23 de agosto de 2023

Interesting Articles

This is my first time publishing a journal page on INat., so I'm a bit uncertain as to what is expected or acceptable. Below I have cited four articles which peaked my interest in the subject of armadillo expansion into Virginia. I'm hoping that someone will post a photo/video/audio of the aforementioned mammal in one of our southwestern counties. So far, there is one casual observation (no media provided) in extreme-southern VA. I have added the link below.


"Armadillos in Virginia?" Virginia Museum of Natural History, June 21, 2021,

Arnold, Carrie. "Armadillos are Expanding Further into the U.S. - and Why is Still a Mystery." National Geographic, June 13, 2022, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/armadillos-are-expanding-their-us-range-why-is-still-a-mystery.

Yancey, Dwayne. "Armadillo Spotted in Roanoke." Cardinal News, November 17, 2021, https://cardinalnews.org/2021/11/17/armadillo-spotted-in-roanoke/.

Yancey, Dwayne. "More Armadillos Spotted in Southwest Virginia." Cardinal News, July 29, 2022, https://cardinalnews.org/2022/07/29/more-armadillos-sighted-in-southwest-virginia/.

Publicado el agosto 23, 2023 12:55 TARDE por ljfekontanis ljfekontanis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
