Diario del proyecto BC Parks

Archivos de diario de agosto 2019

13 de agosto de 2019

Mid-August in the BC Parks Big Summer!

What an amazing summer, and it's not over yet! The BC Parks Big Summer continues to be a huge success, with the BC Parks iNaturalist project having collected almost 80,000 observations of over 4400 species, seen by more than 1850 observers! There are so many interesting observations, including of new species for BC, rare species, and some absolutely wonderful photos of iconic BC species in some of the most important places in the province. BC Parks and their partners are responsible for the management of over 1000 parks and protected areas, and it looks like more than 470 of those protected areas have at least 1 observation in our BC Parks project at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/bc-parks.

There are a little more than 2 weeks left before the end of August: can we push the number of observations over 100,000? To more than 5000 species? (Hint: take photos of insects!). Encourage your friends to use iNat too: the more eyes the better as we see more and more of BC's biodiversity. Let's get out there and enjoy BC Parks and record our species observations for everyone to see. This is only the first of many years of observing nature across the province: it's exciting to imagine how much everyone will see in the years to come.

Happy Summer and iNatting everybody!

Publicado el agosto 13, 2019 08:11 TARDE por bcparks bcparks | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario