Wondering which plants we are watching for?

Explore our Priority List

Have a look at our iNaturalist Guide to Invasive Plants of the Central Kootenays to see photos of the species that are included in this project.

This project and our iNaturalist guide reflect the species included on the CKISS Plant Priority List.

You'll notice that the species are categorized by priority level. These categories guide how CKISS manages each species.

We encourage you to have a look at our guide and become familiar with these species so that you can recognize them in the field.

Report High Priority Species Directly to CKISS

If you observe any high priority species (Prevent, EDRR or Eradicate/Annual Control species), in addition to sharing on iNaturalist, we would appreciate if you could also submit a report of the observation to CKISS . This is to ensure that we are aware of these high priority sites and can follow-up with you if necessary.

Publicado el diciembre 14, 2020 04:25 TARDE por ckiss_kootenay ckiss_kootenay


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