Diario del proyecto CKISS Priority Invasive Plants

Archivos de diario de agosto 2021

06 de agosto de 2021

Black Henbane found in the region, thanks to iNaturalist

Please be on the look out for Black Henbane. It has been observed in the region and came from a shipment of manure.

For more information see:

Report High Priority Species Directly to CKISS

If you observe any high priority species (Prevent, EDRR or Eradicate/Annual Control species), in addition to sharing on iNaturalist, we would appreciate if you could also submit a report of the observation to CKISS . This is to ensure that we are aware of these high priority sites and can follow-up with you if necessary. Our priority list can be found under "More", "Guides", Guide to Invasive Plants of the Central Kootenays.

Publicado el agosto 6, 2021 05:12 TARDE por ckiss_kootenay ckiss_kootenay | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario