Diario del proyecto EwA at Fresh Pond

Archivos de diario de diciembre 2018

03 de diciembre de 2018

🐦 Two for One — Birding at Fresh Pond


One of our favorite sightings this weekend at the Fresh Pond Reservoir, where we went birding. Here a female cardinal and a white-throated sparrow in very close vicinity 💚

Of course, by now we’ve recorded our sightings and here are the details:

☆ eBird records » https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S50367635

☆ iNat sighting records » https://tinyurl.com/120118-ewa-iNat-birdin-records.

Enjoy! ツ

#nature #birding #ecology #wildlife #wildlifeWatching #naturePhotography #citizenScience #ornithology #reservoirs #urbanWildlife #conservation #biodiversity

Publicado el diciembre 3, 2018 08:02 TARDE por akilee akilee | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
