Discovering Species » City Nature Challenge 2018

🌿 The @citnatchallenge #species recording period is over! What a cool challenge this was! More so because we got the chance to do it with kind and very curious citizen scientists. Here is a small selection of our favorite pics & sightings ( » )

The next 4 days, the iNat community will try to identify the 2 or 3 hundreds of observations that we recorded (besides the hundreds of thousands more recorded by the iNaturalists)… We can’t wait to learn more about the species that we could not name. This is what is great with the iNat platform: discovering, learning while helping a great community of scientists!

All our sightings are recorded in the iNaturalist EwA Nature Circles Project ( » ).
Don't be shy, come and participate in our EwA Nature Circles (join our project)!

iNaturalist #CityNatureChallenge #citizenScience #Bioblitz #biodiversity #conservation

Publicado el mayo 1, 2018 03:20 TARDE por akilee akilee


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