Archivos de diario de junio 2018

17 de junio de 2018

If a tree falls

If a tree falls in the forest but nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound? From this project's very limited universe, the answer is that if no one has posted an observation of the tree on iNaturalist then its existence is not recorded in the database.

Ah, but these tree species are very common--why bother?

The kid-friendly app Seek by iNaturalist uses a 50 mile radius from the device's current location to suggest species found in the area based on the observations of the iNaturalist community. This app is a natural fit for introducing young people to the process of field identification. As you are well aware, trees are a good place to start. They are large organisms that don't move around much and can be found in almost every habitat.

As of this posting, there are areas of Manitoba, that apparently have no trees at all. Please join me in joyfully bringing whole acres of forest into existence by clicking a few buttons. :)


Publicado el junio 17, 2018 03:07 TARDE por marykrieger marykrieger | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
