The BotanyBlitz is Imminent

Good morning fellow Kentucky botanists! We're coming down to the wire here. The BotanyBlitz officially starts tomorrow, and as of this morning, Friday April 1, Kentuckians in 2022 have made

- A little over 6,100 plant observations in total, consisting of
- 615 plant species

These observations were made by a whopping 810 observers, and only a fraction of these folks have joined the BotanyBlitz and year-long Kentucky Botanists Big Year projects! We gotta pull more of these iNatters into the fold, y'all. If you enjoy botanyblitzing this week, you should definitely click "join" at the Big Year project as well if you haven't done so yet, just sayin' ;)

A hearty welcome to new project members who joined since the last time I posted here: @acostelle, @laura3570, @noelmansfield, @kentuckycourtenay, @chooshemataha, @dperkins, @jason_gaines, @rosemary71, @klburt, @inaturecenter, @ns_mar, @robin512, @jamie_strang, @cindy411, and @naba-centralky . Glad to have you with us! If you haven't seen previous journal posts here, you might want to scroll through the rest of the project journal where you can find discussions of helpful ID tips for several common plants.

If you need ideas for some interesting plants to hunt for, check out this blog post at the KNPS Lady Slipper. Depending on where you botanize in Kentucky, you may encounter one or more of these uncommon to rare wildflowers during the BotanyBlitz.

Is there anything in particular you're looking forward to seeing in bloom this week across Kentucky, or next Friday and Saturday during Wildflower Weekend at Natural Bridge State Park? Anybody got a hitlist for special species you're on the prowl for?

Publicado el abril 1, 2022 11:35 MAÑANA por vvoelker vvoelker


Can't wait for the BotanyBlitz to begin, and to see all the species that are found throughout Kentucky! Thanks @vvoelker for all the work you've put into this! I'm gonna be on the lookout for Monotropsis for sure!

Publicado por hbraunreiter hace alrededor de 2 años

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