Diario del proyecto Marrowstone Island Nature Preserve

Archivos de diario de junio 2019

15 de junio de 2019

Preserve Now Open for Business

The parking area is in, the signs are up, and the first trail has been completed. The parking area is off Flagler Road, across from Griffiths Point Road. The trail still needs a bit of grooming at the start, just past the main introductory sign, but it now connects East Marrowstone Road with the parking area off Flagler.

Be aware of a warning sign for ground wasps about half way along the trail's course. Last I walked the trail, there were also some survey tape markers at the location. It is easy to walk by without incident if one stays to the trail.

My last walk turned up four new species for the iNat project. There are two sedges, an evening primrose called evening nightshade, and nice bunch of youth-on-age I'd not noticed before. Only the youth-on-age has research grade at this writing.

Also found during the trail work party on 6/11, was a raccoon skull. Our list of mammals is small, and only supported by traces, tracks, scat and bones at this point. This is also true for birds. I think we have some amphibians, at least red legged frogs from our earlier spring surveys.

Enjoy visiting the preserve. I look forward to seeing your observations.

Publicado el junio 15, 2019 03:22 TARDE por kurtsteinbach kurtsteinbach | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario