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Publicado el octubre 24, 2020 03:02 TARDE por rangermyles rangermyles


Would you like me to advertise The Weekly to other naturalists who use this website? Please respond as soon as possible. Bye!

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

Does an observation have to have media to be added to The Weekly?

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

@imladris Hello for you question #1 about advertising yes it is fine with me but don't post in the comments things like CHECK OUT THE WEEKLY URL HERE BANANAS ARE THE BEST! Maybe in you bio and things like that :)
And about does an observation have to have media no it does not or I would have made it an upload rule(when make a group you can add upload rule and once it is made you can edit it) but if it has media it is may likely to be picked also if you post an observation with no media but has a location then maybe someone can go there and get a picture and/or sound and if they say that went to look for it because of this post then yes it would both be in post :)

Did this help? Please give us feedback by comment :)
Still have a question? Just let us know :)

Publicado por rangermyles hace casi 4 años

Thank you for the update! Now for your question #1. That information did help. Now for question #2. I don't have another question right now. Bye!

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

Hello thank you for you feedback.
Please DO NOT delete you comment as it may help other users
Do you want a job right now(it is a bit long so it is in drafts) if yes let me know what job you want:)
Jobs available are vote counter weekly and daily
to pick the best weekly and daily
And to help users out with questions
Please wait a bit for the job information to come out

Publicado por rangermyles hace casi 4 años

And if you have a website or something like that, YouTube then it is fine too

Publicado por rangermyles hace casi 4 años

I would like to be a vote counter for the daily, please, Au revoir!

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

@imladris Sure you can! The only thing wrong is that we need more people to join. We are not getting new observations daily. That is the reason I make a post saying this project was on hold for now. Can you share the word so more people join?

Publicado por rangermyles hace más de 3 años

Sure, I especially would like to invite @Franli, We're friends.

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

@imladris Sure you can! Do you know why when you tagged her/him it did not turn blue? I find the profile: Do you know if she/he gets a lot of notificafions from iNat? If so PM might be better. Also, can you join this project again? Your observations will not pop-up unless you do.

Publicado por rangermyles hace más de 3 años

Sure, I'll do it right now!

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

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