Archivos de diario de junio 2020

10 de junio de 2020

Welcome to WOW!

We are very excited to announce that after two years of development, testing and collaboration between citizen scientists, orchid enthusiasts and scientists, the WOW app is ready to use! You can access the WOW app by going to the internet browser on your mobile device and typing in All information collected using the WOW app will appear on your iNaturalist page.

WOW app frequently asked questions (including details about the WOW app, photo and data copy write, privacy policy and terms of service) can be found on our website here

For guidance on signing up and getting the most out of the WOW app please see the WOW App Instructional Videos on the WOW website.

Would you like a WOW Photographic Scale Card?
We have a new print run of WOW scale cards. If you would like a couple for yourself or a bundle to give out to nature photographers in your organisation (eg. Landcare or “Friends of” groups), please send us your postal address and we will mail them to you.

We hope you enjoy using the WOW app in conjunction with iNat. Thank you for collecting this critical information about Australian orchids and their habitats. And thank you to the ID-ers who provide vital information to orchid enthusiasts and the scientific research community who will use this data.

Happy orchid hunting.
Kind regards, The WOW team.

Publicado el junio 10, 2020 04:59 MAÑANA por katieirvine katieirvine | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
