Taxonomic Swap 119727 (Guardado el 07/01/2023)

The genus Phylloscartes contains two clades that are rather deeply divergent genetically (Harvey et al. 2020); this divergence also largely corresponds to a suite of behavioral between species of the two clades. Therefore we resurrect the genus Pogonotriccus (type species eximius, Southern Bristle-Tyrant) for one of these clades, and revise the sequence of species of Pogonotriccus. Change the scientific name of Venezuelan Bristle-Tyrant from Phylloscartes venezuelanus to Pogonotriccus venezuelanus.

Añadido por birdwhisperer el enero 8, 2023 06:03 MAÑANA | Comprometido por birdwhisperer el 07 de enero de 2023
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