Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Menelaides. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Papilio fuscus 496560

Taxonomic Split 135563 (Guardado el 04/12/2023)

Añadido por rfoster el diciembre 4, 2023 11:55 TARDE | Comprometido por rfoster el 04 de diciembre de 2023
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@thebeachcomber here's the split that deals ONLY with Australian observations. I'm not all that comfortable with doing a partial split like this but it seems a pragmatic approach. I'm unable to view the paper so can't do the species across its entire range, even if I was inclined to. Your thoughts? Feel free to commit if you don't see any problems with it.

Publicado por rfoster hace 5 meses

Will the unatlased fuscus records remain as fuscus or will they become Menelaides as suggested by the heads up blurb?

Publicado por rfoster hace 5 meses

Have made an atlas that excludes Australia for P. fuscus to ensure IDs aren't downgraded. It can be refined later if further splits are made of non-Aust populations.

Publicado por rfoster hace 5 meses

thanks Ralph, I'll have a look now

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace 5 meses

and for completeness, here is a link to a PDF of the paper:

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace 5 meses

ah I see you already committed this, sorry for not commenting earlier, I was in the field for the entirety of today

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace 5 meses

fyi @pewin they should all be automatically swapped over now, let us know if you see any errors or issues

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace 5 meses

Thanks - I suspect the PNG and Pacific Island "Fuscous" Swallowtail are also Capaneus Swallowtail (of various subspecies) but I can't access the paper to confirm that.

Publicado por pewin hace 5 meses

if you click the link above, I uploaded the paper for you

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace 5 meses

Thank you - the island species definitely need a revisit at some stage

Publicado por pewin hace 5 meses

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