Taxonomic Swap 137629 (Guardado el 11/01/2024)

taxonomic synonym

Añadido por choess el enero 11, 2024 11:27 TARDE | Comprometido por choess el 11 de enero de 2024
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@choess, although the name Anathallis yucatanensis is listed as a synonym of Specklinia yucatanensis on POWO based on Luer (2006), it seems that most authorities now agree that the correct name is the former. POWO does acknowledge that A. yucatanensis is accepted in the alternative taxonomy used by Noguera-Savelli & Cetzal-Ix (2014) and a quick search of Google Scholar reveals other sources taking a similar position. The name Anathallis yucatanensis is also used by Solano and Licona (2023), which is a detailed treatment of Anathallis species in Mexico.

I intend to deviate from POWO and reinstate the name Anathallis yucatanensis here on iNaturalist, but I thought it would be best to just let you know in case you have any concerns.

Publicado por arethusa hace 7 meses

Fine with me, I don't generally have strong opinions on orchid taxonomy

Publicado por choess hace 7 meses

Great! Thanks for getting back to me.

Publicado por arethusa hace 7 meses

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