Taxonomic Merge 6578 (Guardado el 13/01/2014)

Merged in Clements

The eBird/Clements checklist of birds... (Referencia)
Añadido por loarie el enero 13, 2014 01:45 MAÑANA | Comprometido por loarie el 13 de enero de 2014
combinado en


Hi @loarie, just to understand: I would have added these taxa as ssp of thoracica (since they are recognized as such in Clements), and then swapped the respective species as subspecies rather then merging them into thoracica. Is the merge preferable to a swap?

The IUCN Red Lists still has them as distinct species, so swapping the species-level taxa with the corresponding subspecies taxon would transfer the IUCN status plus the range maps.

Publicado por jakob hace más de 7 años

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