Taxonomic Swap 131032 (Guardado el 02/10/2023)

Añadido por loarie el octubre 3, 2023 05:30 MAÑANA | Comprometido por loarie el 02 de octubre de 2023
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These are two different species and shouldn't be regarded as one.

Weijola, Valter & Sweet, Samuel. (2015). A single species of mangrove monitor (Varanus) occupies Ambon, Seram, Buru and Saparua, Moluccas, Indonesia.. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. 14-23.

Weijola, Valter. (2015). Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata): proposed conservation of usage of the specific name by replacement of the neotype.. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 72. 134-141. 10.21805/bzn.v72i2.a12.

Böhme, Wolfgang & Koch, Andre & Ziegler, Thomas. (2016). Comment on the proposed conservation of Tupinambus indicus Daudin, 1832 (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata) by replacement of the neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 73. 55-58. 10.21805/bzn.v73i1.a12.

Daniel Bennett "Comment (Case 3676) — On the proposed conservation of Tupinambus indicus Daudin, 1802 by replacement of the neotype," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 73(2-4), 116-118, (1 March 2017)

Sweet, Samuel & Weijola, Valter. (2017). Comment (Case 3676) Response to a comment on the proposed conservation of Tupinambus indicus Daudin, 1802 by replacement of the neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 73. 119-120. 10.21805/bzn.v73i2.a8.

"Opinion 2451 (Case 3676) – Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata): specific name conserved," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 77(1), 57-58, (30 April 2020)

Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año

can you contact Reptile Database. iNat follows their taxonomy and they synonymized them during their most recent update

Publicado por loarie hace alrededor de 1 año

Thank you, I will.

Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año

I have contacted Reptile Database and they did not respond. However, they acknowledged the changes made by Weijola (2015) and cite the same articles I mentioned previously, in which the two species remain divided as V. indicus (from Ceram, Ambon, and Buru) and V. chlorostigma (from Papua New Guinea, Raja Ampat, Australia, New Britain, and surrounding islands).

From the looks of it, I think that the Reptile Database misunderstood the changes made by Weijola (2015), acknowledging half of it (the synonimization of V. indicus and V. cerambonensis) but failing to acknowledge the most important half (the taxon split of V. indicus into V. indicus and V. chlorostigma). In my opinion, the best course of action in this situation would be to stick to the changes made by Weijola (2015) (and supported by the ICZN, Dr. Samuel S. Sweet, and Dr. Daniel Bennett) and split V. indicus as mentioned above.

Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año
Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año

@uetz - curious if you have feedback on @albertogn's interpretation of Weijola (2015) implying Varanus cerambonensis should not have been lumped with Varanus indicus

Publicado por loarie hace alrededor de 1 año

My understanding from the literature is that the two are the same species (which is what the Reptile Database says). This is confirmed by more recent papers than those cited above, e.g. Weijola & Kraus 2023,

Publicado por uetz hace alrededor de 1 año

PS: we may have changed this only recently, but it's reflected in the current release of the database.

Publicado por uetz hace alrededor de 1 año

@uetz you are misunderstanding Weijola's papers. To put it simply, Varanus cerambonensis' name was "changed" to V. indicus, and V. indicus' name was "changed" to V. chlorostigma for the populations of Raja Ampat, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and surrounding islands. No one doubts that they are separate species, but their names were cause of confusion; this is because, when V. cerambonensis was described, V. indicus' holotype was erroneously thought to come from Papua New Guinea, so V. cerambonensis was described from Ceram, Ambon, and Buru (accidentally overwriting V. indicus). Then, Weijola found out that V. indicus' holotype also came from these island (it was collected in Ambon), and both species' names were corrected.
Varanus indicus for the populations of Ceram, Ambon, Buru, Haruku, and Saparua; Varanus chlorostigma for the populations of Raja Ampat, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Britain, etc...

I suggest reading these papers for clarification:

Weijola, Valter. (2015). Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata): proposed conservation of usage of the specific name by replacement of the neotype.. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 72. 134-141. 10.21805/bzn.v72i2.a12.

"Opinion 2451 (Case 3676) – Tupinambis indicus Daudin, 1802 (currently Varanus indicus; Reptilia, Squamata): specific name conserved," The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 77(1), 57-58, (30 April 2020)

Valter Weijola & Fred Kraus. (2023). Two new species of monitor lizards (Squamata: Varanus) endemic to the Louisiade and Tanimbar Archipelagos with a key to the subgenus Euprepiosaurus, Journal of Natural History, 57:13-16, 947-975

Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año

As a side note, most captive populations represent V. chlorostigma, not V. indicus.

Publicado por albertogn hace alrededor de 1 año
Publicado por albertogn hace 12 meses

@uetz plaese read the articles again, what the Reptile Database says is clearly wrong.

Publicado por albertogn hace 11 meses

I have resurrected Varanus chlorostigma now, so I think it should be correct now. Changes will go online in our next release, probably in January.

Publicado por uetz hace 11 meses

Thank you.

Publicado por albertogn hace 11 meses
Publicado por albertogn hace 8 meses

@uetz hello, when is the next update coming?

Publicado por albertogn hace 7 meses

there was a March 2024 release 12 days ago but we haven't yet caught iNat up

Publicado por loarie hace 7 meses

I see, it's fixed now. Thank you both!

Publicado por albertogn hace 7 meses

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