Archivos de diario de octubre 2021

05 de octubre de 2021

Early Morning Walk

Today, I got up around eight in the morning to take a stroll and look for any life of fungi. The morning was wet and cold, around 58ish degrees Fahrenheit. As I walked towards the recreation center, I notice that their was moss and lichen on the rock wall near Conte Forum. Although moss is consider a plant, I understand that lichen is part fungi and part plant. When I made my way to the recreation center, I quickly walked to the wooded area behind the building and notice several different forms of mushroom growing there. Each patch of the woody area had different kinds of mushroom and I did my best to categorize them. The most interesting mushroom I saw there was the cauliflower mushroom, which looked like white sponges on the ground.

Publicado el octubre 5, 2021 08:48 TARDE por fudf fudf | 7 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de octubre de 2021

Sunny Walk around Lower Campus

Today was a sunny day with a nice mild temperature of 73 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun was out and the skies were clear of clouds. Since I was done with classes for the day, I decided to a stroll around lower campus and tried to look for flowers. The temperature in Massachusetts was getting lower, so many plants were wilting away for the oncoming winter. So I was surprised to see some flowering plants remaining. The flowering plants I observed, orange coneflower and hawkweeds, are all examples of angiosperms. The moss I saw growing between sidewalk cracks are examples of bryophyta, or nonvascular plants. It was nice to see so much diversity in plant life even as the temperature gets lower.

Publicado el octubre 14, 2021 07:20 TARDE por fudf fudf | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
