Sharing your observations with the community at GBIF

For those of you who want to make sure their observations are shared with the scientific community at

Be aware that only observations with photos and which have obtained the "research grade" are automatically transmitted to GBIF by iNaturalist.

Also consider changing the license of your observations and photos. A too strict license e.g. "all rights reserved" prohibits the sharing and use of your observations by the community. Only observations having CC0, CC BY, or CC BY-NC licenses will be share with GBIF. If you want to know more visit this post.

To chance the licenses you use, go to your profile settings and customize your licenses by choosing one of the many possibilities offered by Creative Commons.

Publicado el enero 26, 2018 12:18 TARDE por paul_luap paul_luap


How frequently is data from iNat transferred into GBIF?

Publicado por andrewharvey hace más de 4 años

^ based on what I can tell at data is updated every 7 days.

Publicado por andrewharvey hace más de 4 años

that should be it

Publicado por paul_luap hace más de 4 años

I changed my license from "all rights reserved" to CC BY-NC (also marked that it would be updated for all observations) - so, will GBIF include all my previous observations? Thanks.

Publicado por zygisva hace más de 4 años

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