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I gave a talk on data quality on iNaturalist at the Southern California Botanists 2019 symposium recently, and I figured some of the slides and findings I summarized would be interesting to everyone, so here goes.
Some of you may recall we performed a relatively ad hoc experiment to determine how accurate identifications really are. Scott posted some of his findings from that experiment in blog posts (here and here), but I wanted to summarize them for myself, with a focus on how accurate “RG” observations are, which here I’m defining as obs that had a species-level Community Taxon when the expert encountered them. Here’s my slide summarizing the experiment:
And yes, does contain my code and data in case anyone wants to check my work or ask more questions of this dataset.
So again, looking only at expert identifications where the observation already had a community opinion about a species-level taxon, here’s how accuracy breaks down for everything and by iconic taxon:
Close readers may already notice a problem here: my filter for “RG” observation is based on whether or not we think the observation had a Community Taxon at species level at the time of the identifications, while my definitions of accuracy are based on the observation taxon. Unfortunately, while we do record what the observation taxon was at the time an identification gets added, we don’t record what the community taxon, so we can’t really differentiate between RG obs and obs that would be RG if the observer hadn’t opted out of the Community Taxon. I’m assuming those cases are relatively rare in this analysis.
Anyway, my main conclusions here are that
In addition to the issues I already raised, there were some serious problems here:
Anyway, note that we’re a good 8-9 percentage points more accurate here. Maybe this is due to a bigger sample, maybe this is due to Jon’s relatively unbiased approach to identifying (he’s not looking for Needs ID records or incorrectly identified records, he just IDs all plants within his regions of interest, namely San Diego County and the Baja peninsula), maybe this pool of observations has more accurate identifiers than observations as a whole, maybe people are more interested in observing easy-to-identify plants in this set of parameters (doubtful). Anyway, I find it interesting.
That’s it for identification accuracy. If you know of papers on this or other analyses, please include links in the comments!
I also wanted to address what we know about how accurate our automated suggestions are (aka vision results, aka “the AI”). First, it helps to know some basics about where these suggestions come from. Here’s a schematic:
The model is a statistical model that accepts a photo as input and outputs a ranked list of iNaturalist taxa. We train the model on photos and taxa from iNaturalist observations, so the way it ranks that list of output taxa is based on what it’s learned about what visual attributes are present in images labeled as different taxa. That’s a gross over-simplification, of course, but hopefully adequate for now.
The suggestions you see, however, are actually a combination of vision model results and nearby observation frequencies. To get those nearby observations, we try to find a common ancestor among the top N model results (N varies with each new model, but in this figure N = 3). Then we look up observations of that common ancestor within 100km of the photo being tested. If there are observations of taxa in those results that weren’t in the vision results, we inject them into the final results. We also re-order suggestions based on their taxon frequencies.
So with that summary in mind, here’s some data on how accurate we think different parts of this process are.
So main conclusions here are
My main conclusions here are
Hope that was interesting! Another conclusion was that I’m a crappy data scientist and I need to get more practice using iPython notebooks and the whole Python data science stack.
The number of taxa included in the model went from almost 25,000 to over 38,000. That’s an increase of 13,000 taxa compared to the last model, which, to put in perspective, is more than the total number of bird species worldwide. The number of training photos increased from 12 million to nearly 21 million.
Accuracy outside of North America has improved noticeably in this model. We suspect this is largely due to the nearly doubling of the data driving this model in addition to recent international growth in the iNaturalist community. We’re continuing to work on developing a better framework for evaluating changes in model accuracy, especially given tradeoffs among global and regional accuracy and accuracy for specific groups of taxa.
The recent changes removing non-nearby taxa from suggestions by default have helped reduce this global-regional accuracy tradeoff, but there’s still more work to do to improve how computer vision predictions are incorporating geographic information.
Participate in the annual iNaturalist challenges: Our collaborators Grant Van Horn and Oisin Mac Aodha continue to run machine learning challenges with iNaturalist data as part of the annual Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference. By participating you can help us all learn new techniques for improving these models.
Start building your own model with the iNaturalist data now: If you can’t wait for the next CVPR conference, thanks to the Amazon Open Data Program you can start downloading iNaturalist data to train your own models now. Please share with us what you’ve learned by contributing to iNaturalist on Github.
In 2017 the amount of recognised species was 20.000 and now it is still.....20.000?
FWIW, there's also discussion and some additional charts at
AI Model 5 . July 2019 included 16,000 taxa and 12 million training photos.
AI Model 6 . July 2020 included 25,000 taxa and xx million training photos.
AI Model 7 . July 2021 included 38,000 taxa and 21 million training photos. Training job in October 2021, we planned to train a AI Model 8 . May 2022 on 47,000 taxa and 25 million training images but finished with er 55,000 taxa and over 27 million training images.
March 2020
Juli 2021
uli 2021 Model 7
Sept 2022 Model 9 Sept 2022
Okt 2022 Model 10 Okt 2022
Model v1.3 (Nr 11), Oktober 2022 has 66,214 taxa, up from 64,884.
This new model (v1.3) is the second we’ve trained in about a month using the new faster approach, but it’s the first with a narrow ~1 month interval between the export of the data it was trained on and the export of the data the model it is replacing (v1.2) was trained on. The previous model (v1.2) was replacing a model (v1.1) trained on data exported in April so there was a 4 month interval between these data exports (interval between A and B in the figure below). This 4 month interval is why model 1.2 added ~5,000 new taxa to the model. The new model (v1.3) was trained on data exported just 37 days after the data used to train model 1.2 (interval between B and C in the figure below) and added 1,368 new taxa.
You can read more about how this model was trained here
Here is a rough guide to use this app :
Look at the predictions on a Random image from the validation set
Look at the Accuracy Summary for different taxonomic groups
For example to look at the summary by Kingdom
I personally find the summary by Order most useful
Look at the errors at different levels in the taxonomic heirarchy.
For example to look at errors where the model got the Kingdom wrong !
For example to look at errors where the the model got the Species wrong
This is a personal project by Satyajit Gupte
I would be happy to hear anything you have to say. You can reach me at or on iNat
Google provides three models that have been trained with iNaturalist data - classification models for plants, birds, and insects. These Google models can be downloaded and used with Google's TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite tools.
Publicado por optilete hace 9 meses
We're currently training a new model based on an export in September that had ~18 million images of 35k+ taxa. It's running with the same setup that we've used on previous models, but with a lot more data, so it will probably take ~210 days and be done some time next Spring. We're simultaneously experimenting with an updated system (TensorFlow 2, Xception vs Inception) that seems to be much faster, e.g. it seems like it might do the same job in 40-60 days, so if it seems like the new system performs about the same as the old one in terms of accuracy, inference speed, etc., we might just switch over to that and have a new model deployed in January or February 2021.
FWIW, COVID has kind of put a hitch in our goal of training 2 models a year. We actually ordered some new hardware right before our local shelter in place orders were issued, and we didn't feel the benefit of the new hardware outweighed the COVID risk of spending extended time inside at the office to assemble everything and get it running. Uncertainty about when it would be safe to do so was part of why we didn't start training a new model in the spring (that and the general insanity of the pandemic), but eventually we realized things weren't likely to get much better any time soon so we just started a new training job on the old system.
The Academy is actually open to the public again now, with fairly stringent admission protocols for both the public and staff, so we might decide to go in an build out that new machine, but right now we're still continuing with this training job and experimenting with newer, faster software at home.
We (July 2021) 38,000 to 47,000 taxa (Oct-Dec2021) , and from 21 million(July 2021) to 25 million(Oct-Dec2021) training photos.
ooks like the web app, shut down some time back. I have restarted it and updated the links.
Just in case, this is address 45 (the ip address should not change)
This app visualizes model predictions for a Computer Vision model trained on iNaturalist data
You can read more about how this model was trained here
Here is a rough guide to use this app :
Look at the predictions on a Random image from the validation set
Look at the Accuracy Summary for different taxonomic groups
For example to look at the summary by Kingdom
I personally find the summary by Order most useful
Look at the errors at different levels in the taxonomic heirarchy.
For example to look at errors where the model got the Kingdom wrong !
For example to look at errors where the the model got the Species wrong
This is a personal project by Satyajit Gupte
I would be happy to hear anything you have to say. You can reach me at or on iNat
ooks like the web app, shut down some time back. I have restarted it and updated the links.
Just in case, this is address 45 (the ip address should not change)
This app visualizes model predictions for a Computer Vision model trained on iNaturalist data
You can read more about how this model was trained here
Here is a rough guide to use this app :
Look at the predictions on a Random image from the validation set
Look at the Accuracy Summary for different taxonomic groups
For example to look at the summary by Kingdom
I personally find the summary by Order most useful
Look at the errors at different levels in the taxonomic heirarchy.
For example to look at errors where the model got the Kingdom wrong !
For example to look at errors where the the model got the Species wrong
This is a personal project by Satyajit Gupte
I would be happy to hear anything you have to say. You can reach me at or on iNat
Google provides three models that have been trained with iNaturalist data - classification models for plants, birds, and insects. These Google models can be downloaded and used with Google's TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite tools.
Publicado por optilete hace 9 meses
Further Reading
The Recipe from PyTorch
A nice paper on tuning hyper-parameters. The same author also came up with cyclical learning rates.
Trivial Auto Augment
How label smoothing helps
CutMix, another clever augmentation strategy , which I did not try out.
Geo Prior Model that encodes location and time
How biologists think about classification ! This is a very good read.
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