07-Hoe waarnemingen Biodiversiteit kan beschermen het beheer van de Californische kust kan leiden

Community-powered biodiversity conservation: how your observations can guide management on the California coast

Over the last decade, tens of thousands of community scientists and volunteer naturalists together have collected hundreds of thousands of observations of biodiversity up and down the California coast. Boosted by community science campaigns such as Snapshot Cal Coast and crowdsourced via the iNaturalist platform, these community-contributed observations now represent one of the largest and fastest-growing datasets of biodiversity available in real-time and throughout the California coast.

In this Webinar, Dr. Gio Rapacciuolo will show us how this somewhat messy but incredibly rich stream of information can be translated into timely insights useful to manage and conserve biodiversity on our coast. Join us to learn how your volunteered observations are now more crucial than ever to safeguard biodiversity on our beloved coast.
Feb 25, 2021 02:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) https://everytimezone.com/s/2ec6fbec

Wanted to invite those in the iNaturalist community who are interested in hearing more about the use of iNat data to a webinar we’re hosting next week - hope some of you will join us! Just a note that the webinar registration is full (or close to full), but it will be live streamed on YouTube at the same time and we’ll be monitoring the chat there to bring questions into the webinar.

The Community Science team at the California Academy of Sciences would like to invite you to join us for a webinar “Community-powered biodiversity conservation: how your observations can guide management on the California coast”.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7gVUrEDf_0 Community-powered biodiversity conservation: how your observations can guide coastal management

Wanted to invite those in the iNaturalist community who are interested in hearing more about the use of iNat data to a webinar we’re hosting next week - hope some of you will join us! Just a note that the webinar registration is full (or close to full), but it will be live streamed on YouTube at the same time and we’ll be monitoring the chat there to bring questions into the webinar.

The Community Science team at the California Academy of Sciences would like to invite you to join us for a webinar “Community-powered biodiversity conservation: how your observations can guide management on the California coast”.


07-Hoe waarnemingen Biodiversiteit kan beschermen het beheer van de Californische kust kan leiden

Publicado el febrero 17, 2021 08:55 TARDE por ahospers ahospers


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