If you missed the Native Plant Identification Class you can watch a recording!

If you missed the Native Plant Identification Class you can watch a recording at the following link.
Karin talks about plant families and other hints for plant ID. Plus the resources she shares are excellent guides with lots of photos. https://youtu.be/FXGokfiED8E

Class description:

Native Plant Identification
Instructor: Karin Jokela, Farm Bill Pollinator Conservation Planner & NRCS Partner Biologist

Curious what that plant is and want to know how to find out? We will cover how to identify native flowers and grasses using basic characteristics of plant families and their growing conditions. This is a great class to take if you have always wanted to know how to tell the difference between a sedge and a grass, the differences between Blazing Stars and Beardtongues, White Snakeroot and Boneset, Coneflowers and Coreopsis.

This class is the first in a series done in partnership with the Capitol Region Watershed District to help residents identify and inventory their plants to save seeds to share with others and increase the biodiversity and populations of native plants. Learn more at https://northerngardener.org/mn-seed-project/

Aired on Tuesday, May 11, 6:30-7:30 pm

Publicado el mayo 22, 2021 06:13 TARDE por sckh sckh


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