Archivos de diario de agosto 2016

09 de agosto de 2016

Help us celebrate 100 years of the National Park Service with 100,000 observations!

This is the centennial year for the National Park Service and we've organized BioBlitzes all over the country to celebrate. In addition to that, we're tallying everything that people observe in our National Parks in 2016, whether during a BioBlitz or not! Founder's Day, the birthday itself, is celebrated on August 25 and we would love to pass the 100,000 observations mark by that date. Right now we're at 94,507. Can you help us get to 100,000 in the next 16 days?

Is there a National Park near you? Check out this map to find out. If so, get out there and share what you find on iNaturalist. If not, it's never too late to plan that before-school-starts-end-of-summer-trip and work in some parks. ;) Also, if you have photos from any National Parks from earlier this year that you haven't uploaded yet, now is the time.

I'll be out in Rocky Mountain National Park this Friday hiking and observing. Hope to see you in your National Parks too! We can do this! Keep exploring!


Publicado el agosto 9, 2016 09:58 TARDE por forester93 forester93 | 13 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de agosto de 2016

Over 100,000 observations to celebrate 100 years of the National Park Service!

This map ranks each National Park by the number of iNaturalist observations made within its boundaries during 2016 (as of the time of this posting). 295 parks have at least one observation!

Publicado el agosto 24, 2016 10:17 TARDE por loarie loarie | 12 comentarios | Deja un comentario
