Diario del proyecto Citizen Science in Mindo-Ecuador

Archivos de diario de junio 2020

01 de junio de 2020

Rio Bravo camping and Rio Mindo

Juan y Sonia de la Reserva Rio Bravo nos invitaron a quedarnos a acampar. Llegamos en la mañana del 29 de mayo y comenzamos ya con observaciones. Luis de BioHostal y nuestra amiga Karina nos acompañaron por primero vez.No hay que olvidarse de Eric de Mindo Night Walks. El nos acompaño para una caminata nocturna que para algunos era realmente inolvidable. Ranas, lagartijas, insectos, arañas y una serpiente se completo la noche. Estaban dos niños Bruno y Thais para juntarse (pues al parecer Bruno no quizo estar junto todo el tiempo asi que se fue por una exploracion solito) con equipazo. Mediodia del 29 de mayo Don Diego arranco con una parrillada que creo que tenemos que incluir como requisito para estas salidas al campo. El 30 de mayo medio dia ya tuvimos que empacar las carpas y aislantes y bajar al pueblo.

Publicado el junio 1, 2020 01:07 MAÑANA por rudygelis rudygelis | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

05 de junio de 2020

mindo gardens el 3 de junio 2020

Valentina nos llevo a las cabañas para ver la orilla del rio Mindo y darnos una vuelta por alli. Almuerzo delicioso con una variedad de verdura mas unas arepas y unas salsas--espectacular. y creo que colocamos unas observaciones interesantes. ojala puedan detectar mi enfoque de hoy.

Publicado el junio 5, 2020 12:37 MAÑANA por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Balcon de Tumpiki 4 june 2020

salir de mindo a las 530. por sorpresa nos recogio Ronald en su carro y se sintio rarisimo salir de mindo por primero vez en 3 meses. al llegar a Tumpiki me di cuenta que yo estaba en buena compania--la esposa de Ronald es amante de las orquideas! tiene por su jardin para colibries una variedad impresionante de orquideas. Comimos desayuno y almuerzo pero entre esas dos comidas nos dimos una vuelta por el bosque. Por una quebrada me di cuenta de que hay pocas orquideas en el bosque donde no hay mucho sol. al salir del bosque me puse a buscarlas por una cuchilla y alli estaban algunas. 26 hectareas protegidas y 2 usuarios mas de iNaturalist: para este proyecto ya somos 15 personas ya un ejercito que divertido.

Publicado el junio 5, 2020 12:44 MAÑANA por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de junio de 2020

8 june 2020

Bioblitz of Cuenca del Rio Jacobo behind hosteria roulotte. Nacho and Carmen met us at their cabins. Hot coffee and homemade sourdough bread and a briefing about how things were going with the iNat project and where we would be going today. We walked up the river jacobo drainage, going through second-growth thickets and older pasture, which eventually led us to a beautiful waterfall. This water source is yet another area threatened by a housing development project. Most of the morning we were up here, and as the sun was blazing and energy flagged we walked down the path for my favorite part of the day: pork shoulder (I bought this cut from my neighbor) cooked perfectly after being marinated in wine for 2 days, homemade french fries, lemonade from the lemon trees in the garden, and more sourdough bread that Nacho had baked in his dutch-style wood-burning oven he uses for making bread, pizzas, and other delectables.

Publicado el junio 8, 2020 11:41 TARDE por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

10 de junio de 2020

02 June 2020 almost forgot this one

Don't forget, this evening with Pedro to 'el punto ornitologico' of 4 hectares. aka jardin botanico. we were met there by the owner, Alcivar, a friendly nature-lover who accompanied us on our night walk which lasted from ca. 8pm until midnight.

Publicado el junio 10, 2020 02:44 MAÑANA por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de junio de 2020

13-14 june 2020

camp 13 night (incl. night walk) at Valentura reserve. Owner Rober lives here with two kids and wife; the kids (8 and 16) joined us for the night walk, and the teenage (Miguel) joined the long 6+km walk on the 14th to rio pachijal. Miguel also joined for the reserve walk on the 13th--we arrived at 730 am that date and so after coffee we checked out the camping area and then explored the trail to the big waterfall (60+m fall) which is a good forest track. The campsite has a view to the south of the Milpe Reserve. The Valentura reserve is sandwiched between the Chaguaryacu River and the Pachijal River. Sweet forest; based on what we found in two short days there must be extreme diversity. Wish Eric would have been along to find some lizards on the nightwalk; we struck out on lizards, although I did see A. frasieri on the 13th. We were all surprised (and I admit it, a little dismayed; the rainy season is great but it has been raining for 6 months) to see light rain begin in the PM of the 13th, and the 14th we saw a little bit more, and by the time we were leaving after lunch the rain began in earnest again.

Publicado el junio 16, 2020 01:38 TARDE por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de junio de 2020

20 june 2020 mini-outing

Rober picked us (Diego & Pedro) up from Valentura in the am and we made another run for the Valentura Rd--this time we covered about 3 or 4 kms between the main paved rd near los bancos and valentura. so roadside weeds and scattered trees, esp. living fenceposts and a few fallen branches from these trees; limon and guava trees key feature as epiphytes clinging to these trees as well as others.

Publicado el junio 21, 2020 04:30 TARDE por rudygelis rudygelis | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
