Diario del proyecto EwA Biodiversity Projects

Archivos de diario de mayo 2019

06 de mayo de 2019

✓ CNC 2019 Bioblitz Final Numbers!

There we go! The 2019 City Nature Challenge's results are finally out!

First of all, the challenge gathered 32,682 observers worldwide. This led to a recording of 911,210 observations!

In the Boston area itself, for which we serve in the organizing committee, we had 1,107 observers who gathered a total of 20,329 observations!

How about EwA's effort? We rock! Together with you we gathered about 1200+ wild observations over 373 different species (in less than 12-15 hours of events total)! We surveyed more than 8 locations. We covered 11 taxa over a category of 12! The only taxon that we did not cover is the chromista... Oh well - next time ;-)

EwA Results:
∗ Total [1212 records / 313 species ] » https://tinyurl.com/ewa-cnc2019-results
∗ The Fells [527 records / 214 species] » https://tinyurl.com/ewa-cnc2019-fells-results
∗ Lusitania [231 records / 102 species] » https://tinyurl.com/ewa-cnc2019-fpr-results
∗ Draw Seven Park [186 records / 68 species] » https://tinyurl.com/ewa-cnc2019-draw7-results

This year, we engaged a total of 79 participants+: 40 participants across 9 sites, and 39 2nd-degree participants (through the participation of the students of 2 of our high school teacher colleagues).

Our project supplied about 5% of all the Boston area observations! Our top collector, who tried to record the distinct species that we observed during our events, is the 5th who had the most diverse records (over 1087 observers)!

And, worldwide, our top collector (and representative of EwA), with your help made us be part of the 1% top observers (species-wise)!

For us (young EwA), that's quite an achievement! Last year, there was about only 5 of us doing the challenge and we collected 180 observations of 80 different species -which was already quite something :-)

You want to know all the exciting details? We'll publish a full detailed report later this year (sign up to our newsletter > https://www.earthwiseaware.org/newsletter/).

And thanks again to all of you, who observed, identified or supported this important effort to document wild organisms worldwide. You rock! 💚

ⓘ More... CNC 2019 in Numbers:
∗ EwA City Nature Challenge 2019 » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ewa-city-nature-challenge-2019
∗ City Nature Challenge: Boston Area » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2019-boston-area
∗ City Nature Challenge: Worldwide » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2019

biodiversity #bioblitz #natureDocumentation #citizenScience #openScience

Publicado el mayo 6, 2019 02:23 TARDE por akilee akilee | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario