Diario del proyecto EwA Biodiversity Projects

Archivos de diario de julio 2019

08 de julio de 2019

🐜 The Great Walden Bioblitz was Great indeed!

Thanks to our EwA team for participating great species sightings. We did well this weekend!

One of our favorite sighting this WE: a gorgeous cicada that Joe spotted while bioblitzing at the Great Walden Bioblitz 2019 > https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/28353778 (© Joe MacIndewar)

We had such a great EwA team run at the Great Walden Bioblitz in Concord Massachusetts (in honor of our dear Biodiversity world advocate, E.O.Wilson)! Thanks to our team: Shilpa, Dan, Joe, MA, Charlie, Sarah, Jackson, and Claire.

Special thanks to Shilpa and Dan who are our 2 EwA 'power' iNat observers this Weekend. Shilpa recorded 293 observations in one day of 190 distinct species, and Dan recorded 256 observations of 119 species. To date, all together, we recorded about 840 observations of 419 distinct species. Realize that we're not counting here what we could not take a picture of, and yet identified (these got listed on paper lists, and other counting recording platforms) :-)

We worked well as a team: we split into smaller groups over different areas. We have great recorders (Shilpa, and Daniel), wonderful spotters (Joe, and MA), and studious and enthusiast interns who are learning the ropes of biodiversity (Charlie, Sarah, and Jackson).

🔎 Check our team iNat sightings » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ewa-at-the-great-walden-bioblitz
🔎 Join EwA’s iNat Biodiversity Projects » https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ewa-biodiversity-projects

ⓘ Read more about the GW Bioblitz » https://www.walden.org/great-walden-bioblitz/
ⓘ Read more about Peter Alden (naturalist & friend) » https://peteraldenwildlife.com/

bioblitz #UrbanWildlife #CitizenScience #biodiversity #conservation #nature #naturePhotography #natureDocumentation #entomology #insect

Publicado el julio 8, 2019 01:05 TARDE por akilee akilee | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario