Taxonomic Swap 139621 (Guardado el 21/02/2024)

Complicated situation, please read all comments.

This taxon swap was committed first to revert an erroneous taxon swap. The hybrid of scarlet and "blue" scarlet pimpernel was referred to as amoena, elevated to "x amoena" as a hybrid. This taxon swap was mistakenly believing a synonymy between this hybrid and a standalone species called amoena (=buxifolia), which has lumped the two together on iNat.

A second taxon swap followed lumping buxifolia into amoena (and thus this species heading amoena was reactivated).

Añadido por silversea_starsong el febrero 21, 2024 10:40 TARDE | Comprometido por silversea_starsong el 21 de febrero de 2024
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