TAW Devine Lake January 2017
January 10, 2017
7 people came out for a nice evening at the lake. Monitoring began at sunset, 5:45 p.m. and lasted an hour. While no frogs were heard calling, one was found by Randy Spurlock, a young female American Bullfrog.
Before the monitoring began, a Great Horned Owl was seen near the lake and during monitoring, several were heard calling. We did not get a recording of the owls, but got a picture, observation attached. There was also a pack of Coyotes nearby, which were recorded, observation attached.
Attendees: Randy and Sandra Spurlock, Hunter Yarborough, myself, Kathy McCormack, Heike Hunter and Sue Anderson.
Air Temp (C): 14
Count of Individuals Observed: 1
Call Intensity: 0
Water temp (C): 20
No. of people in party: 7
Water Level: high
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 0
Sky: No or few clouds