TAW Devine Lake October 2017
A nice evening and a beautiful sunset at the lake. There were 8 folks including myself that came out to listen to frogs. Thanks for coming: Meghan, Ginger, Violet, Amy, Mike, Carolyn and Christie. It was quiet but we did get 3 species in hand and heard the Rio Grande Leopard Frogs calling intermittently, but so infrequent no one was able to get a recording. Nothing else was calling. We saw 2 small Blanchard Cricket Frogs by the lake, one got away, but we got pics of one, thanks for the catch Violet. Since the lake was not producing anything we moved up to the parking lot and found 2 Gulf Coast Toads near the restroom. One smaller one went back into its hole under the slab, but a larger one made it into Violet's hand. She was persistent! We moved to the creek near the crossing at the front entrance and netted a young American Bullfrog. Violet got her net on it but it proved a little too big and got away, but Mike came to the rescue with his net, only to lose it temporarily. After hunting for it, we thought it was lost. About 15 minutes later Mike realized it was still in his net!! So we got pictures of 3 species. Not a bad night moving into fall.