EUROMEDITERRANEAN ALIEN SPECIES is looking for collaborators
The issue of biological invasions is getting more and more concerning especially if a biodiversity rich place like the Euromediterranean area is menaced. In this light, an Euromediterranean database of observations of alien species could turn out to be a useful tool to understand which are the most common invaders as well as the most invaded areas.
The project EUROMEDITERRANEAN ALIEN SPECIES (EAS), launched in september, aims at gathering as many as possible observations of alien species in the Euromediterranean area.
In order to improve the monitoring of the observations added to iNaturalist new collaborators could join the project and help adding observations. A wider representativeness of the Euromediterranean users among the collaborators of the AES project will surely result in a better coverage of the observations added in iNat.
You are also kindly invited to spread the word about the EAS project.
The (few) rules of the project:
1) observations that can be added must be only of alien species, even if the species is considered alien in only one country:
2) the project deals with every kind of living beings that are observed in iNaturalist;
3) the area of interest of the project is the same of the Euro+Med Plantbase: (
3) the observed living beings must not be cultivated or captive
4) alien species must be true aliens (observations of doubtfully alien species must not be added while archaeophytes are here considered as true aliens)
@ahospers @alderash @alessandro_bergamo @alexminico @almantas @alvarosaurus @amc @annemirdl @apeterlongo @apseregin @artem @aulax @axeira @benoitnabholz @borisb @carlacorazza @chrisvanswaay @claudioflamigni @cliygh-and-mia @conus @conradaltmann @cps @dagendresen @damighez @danieleseglie @dendzo @dgclaro @djillali_tahri @dryomys @dhobern @dvora @fero @enricoschifani @emilianomori @erwin_pteridophilos @fabienpiednoir @fausto @filippoceccolini @gianfrancodramis @finrod @flight69 @fornaeffe @francescocecere @katya @keithwlarson @kcopas @jaro @jasonrgrant @jeremybarker @jkrzeptowski @jpsilva @jujurenoult @lancillotto @juhakinnunen @helik7 @inasiebert @martingrimm @kostaszontanos @leibele @leo_dapporto @manval @marcello @marcoschmidtffm @martinbishop @mattiamenchetti @milotictanja @missnarjess @murielbendel @nannie @nanou46 @naturalist @pbeja65 @pihlaviita @purperlibel @qgroom @reddad @rmedina @robangutan @roby @rubenrey @selini @sigitasjuznas @sindic @smuele @speedy @spela @stephen54 @tiggrx @tinekk @tkoffel @torsten @treegrow @ttadevosyan @uriah @veronika_johansson @vilseskog @wildhamandpetersham @wouterkoch @wouterteunissen @zanskar @yairur