Archivos de diario de abril 2021

07 de abril de 2021

May Bioblitz @ Timberlake Field Station

****Event canceled. I hope to reschedule as time and situations permit.****

Good news! Tarleton has approved the May Bioblitz at Timberlake Field Station (TWO nights, May 14 - 16). Attendees may begin arriving noon Friday and we'll depart Sunday afternoon. The bunkhouse will be available, but restricted to one person sleeping per room. There are five rooms, so the first five folks that request a room in the bunkhouse can be accommodated. Due to uncertainties regarding COVID (new variants, localized increases in cases, etc), I prefer that attendees be vaccinated so our gathering doesn't contribute to these uncertainties. Regardless, we've got almost 800 acres to engage in some really enjoyable social distancing! Our previous two bioblitzs only scratched the surface of biodiversity at Timberlake, so I'm excited to continue our inventory of biodiversity.

Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Biological Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has approximately 3 miles of Colorado river frontage.

Here's the link to detailed info about Timberlake:

Since the event is being limited to 25 attendees (5 in the bunkhouse), I'll maintain a list here:
Spot reserved:

  1. annikaml
  2. tadamcochran (bunkhouse)
  3. mikef451
  4. connlindajo (bunkhouse)
  5. gcwarbler
  6. bacchusrock (bunkhouse)
  7. gwaithir
  8. briangooding (bunkhouse)
  9. jwn
  10. Max S. (bunkhouse)
  11. k_mccormack
  12. molly_burke
  13. benjamindurrington
  14. austinrkelly
  15. clairesorenson
  16. nanofishology


I'm tagging some folks that I seem to recall having expressed an interest last time we met, along with some other active observers. Don't be offended if you're not tagged here--I'm severely scatterbrained and loose track easily! Feel free to tag anyone else that you know might be interested. @mikef451, @sambiology, @centratex, @wildcarrot, @catenatus, @brentano, @gcwarbler, @annikaml, @oddfitz, @tadamcochran, @rymcdaniel, @nanofishology, @connlindajo, @k8thegr8, @ecarpe, @galactic_bug_man, @dan_johnson, @tdavenport, @kimberlietx, @anewman, @jeffmci9, @eric_keith, @wild-about-texas, @alflinn329, @tweedledee, @bosqueaaron

Publicado el abril 7, 2021 12:22 MAÑANA por pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton | 64 comentarios | Deja un comentario