Diario del proyecto Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

Archivos de diario de octubre 2022

04 de octubre de 2022

Seaweed Identification Experience Beginners Ocean Foraging, Surf Beach 15 October Book now

Seaweed Identification Workshop
Learn about the traditional uses of seaweed and conservation in the Yuin nation. Beginners Sea Foraging
Provided by South Coast Seaweed - Sarah & James Thomas
Sat. 15 October 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Surf Beach

Publicado el octubre 4, 2022 04:19 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de octubre de 2022

We need more Gang-gang Cockatoo sightings!

Feel the thrill of sighting one of these beautiful species.
Budawang Coast requires more Gang-gang Cockatoo sightings!
This year we sent out an alert to be aware of Gang-gang cockatoos starting to breed in August and September in the coastal areas of the Shoalhaven and further south in Moruya. To date there has been increased sightings around the Moruya area and one potential breeding sighting in the Berry area. We are encouraging citizen scientists to continue observing into October and possibly later, to ensure we are covering the possibility of an extended breeding period. Any sighting of Gang-gang cockatoos is important and by recording your observation using iNaturalist you will be contributing to important research to understand why this species is now endangered and the steps needed to reverse this trend. Below are links to the relevant Gang-gang Cockatoo projects on iNaturalist where you can add your observations and find out more about the tell-tale signs of the nesting behaviour and much more for this special species.
And here's the link to our local iNaturalist project to join and also record any Gang-Gang Cockatoo sightings:

Publicado el octubre 6, 2022 09:58 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de octubre de 2022

Family Day at Worrigee Nature Reserve, now Saturday 19 November 10am-2pm

Did you know Worrigee Nature Reserve provides important habitat and food to a range of threatened orchids, frogs, plant communities and the striking Glossy Black Cockatoo?
Bring the family to learn about how you can help protect threatened species that live right on our doorstep! Enjoy a free BBQ lunch with activities for all ages.
Bring your bikes! For those feeling adventurous there will be a bike ride through the reserve to the frog ponds where NPWS Ranger, Alex Deura will talk about the important habitat the ponds provide for the Green and Golden Bell Frog.
Worrigee Nature Reserve, Quinns Lane entrance, South Nowra
Sat 19 Nov 10am-2pm
Register here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/worrigee-community-day-tickets-415699025977

Publicado el octubre 15, 2022 11:17 TARDE por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de octubre de 2022

Bird Haven Festival Conference Shoalhaven 22 October Tickets still available

Saturday 22 October | Registration 10.30am | Conference 11am–5pm | Shoalhaven Heads Bowling Club | Lunch included |Tickets $50-70

The 2022 Bird Haven Festival Conference at Shoalhaven Heads will bring some of our eminent scientists and leaders in bird conservation to the NSW South Coast. This will be an ideal opportunity to hear ornithologists and researchers speak about their work and the ecology of some of our bird species.

The conference will be opened by Fiona Phillips MP, the Member for Gilmore, with a Welcome to Country by Jerrinja elder, Delia Lowe.

Conference speakers include:

Keynote speaker - Dr David Lindenmayer AO, Professor of Ecology and Conservation Biology at The Australian National University’s Fenner School of Environment and Society. David's work on wildlife conservation and biodiversity has, for many years, led world research in this area and has been recognised through numerous awards, including the Eureka Science Prize (three times) and the Whitley Award (seven times). David will talk about how healthy natural assets underpin farm productivity and landscape resilience and the role played by farmers, Landcarers, natural resource agencies and birds.

Members of the Aboriginal Advisory Group for the 'Healthy Country Plan for Glossy Black-Cockatoos' project will explain how they are developing Aboriginal-led actions to address current and future threats for this threatened species.

Alison Russell-French OAM, Chair Australasian Waders Studies Group and former President of Birds Australia. Alison will talk about how the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership and inter-governmental collaboration is working to protect migratory shorebirds along the flyway.

Dr Alex Maisey, Research Fellow with La Trobe's Research Centre for Future Landscapes. Alex will talk about the impact of the 2019/20 megafires on the Superb Lyrebird and its role as an ecosystem engineer in south-east Australia’s temperate forests.

Dr Catherine Price, ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow with the University of Sydney's School of Life & Environmental Sciences. Catherine will explain a novel approach to bird conservation by fooling predators to leave bird nests alone through the use of fake odour.

Dr David Bain, Senior Threatened Species Officer, NSW Department of Planning and Environment, and Emily Bradstock, Honours student, University of Wollongong. David will talk about the many translocations of Eastern Bristlebirds, including the most recent from Jervis Bay to Wilson’s Promontory after the bushfires, while Emily will cover her research into variations in song of this endangered species.

Lunch and morning and afternoon tea/coffee provided. Advise dietary requirements when you register.


Publicado el octubre 16, 2022 12:27 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de octubre de 2022

Tree hollows and significant habitat trees: new iNat project in our region ready for your contributions

Kate, a long standing member of the Budawang Coast project, from Kangaroo Valley has set up a new project in iNat called "Tree hollows and significant habitat trees".

Its purpose is to record and map the trees so that agencies like councils, when considering development applications or their own property management, and fire services contemplating hazard reduction burns, can look at the map to see if there are trees that need protecting eg by removing debris from their base etc. It can also help land holders manage their own hollow resources sustainably.

It is also a celebration of the beauty of hollows and habitat trees. It is already beautiful to browse!

If you would like to look, or to join it and add observations, it is here:


Publicado el octubre 17, 2022 03:33 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de octubre de 2022

Positions vacant on the Australian Citizen Science Association's Management Committee

Dear members,
Do you think it’s important to ensure everyone in the community can play a part in answering big questions and solving big problems using science? Are you interested in supporting the growth of a national not-for-profit that’s making this happen?

If you answered yes to these questions, consider nominating yourself to join the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) Management Committee! Joining the Management Committee is a great opportunity to offer your expertise in shaping the future of ACSA and the citizen science community. It also provides unique networking and learning opportunities about citizen science and ACSA.

Management Committee positions are voluntary and are 2-year terms from November 2022 to November 2024. You can choose to self-nominate for one of five positions that are open in this year’s election:
• The Vice Chair
• The Treasurer
• The Secretary
• Two General Members
Go to the ACSA Website for more information. https://citizenscience.org.au/ or get in touch with me if you'd like to discuss.

Chair of ACSA and Budawang Coast

Publicado el octubre 20, 2022 05:10 MAÑANA por annielane annielane | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de octubre de 2022

Great Southern Bioblitz 28-31 October

Are you ready? Join in by taking photos in your back garden, your street, nearby bush, everything you see - day and night! Checkout Youtube link https://youtu.be/L81geFW3aV4

Publicado el octubre 23, 2022 01:31 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Bird Observation Walk 8 Nov 8.15am

In partnership with NPA, Budwang Coast Atlas of Life has organised a bird observation walk, guided by Carla Jackett. An opportunity to learn some tips in observing and identifying birds and recording them in the Budawang Coast Atlas of Life project on iNat. There will be time for morning tea (BYO), and bring your binoculars, if you have some.
Date: Tuesday 8 November
Time: meet at 8.15am, approx 2.5 hours
Location: Jerrara Dam Jerrara
Further details provided on registration
Numbers are limited
No fee
Please advise if you do not wish to be photographed
Contact Michael Irving to register mirving2535@gmail.com

Publicado el octubre 23, 2022 01:40 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Great Southern Bioblitz, Sea Slug Census, Moth Night - next weekend

Great Southern Bioblitz has over 211 projects in 25 countries, with over 700K observations of nearly 40K species to date. Next weekend, 28-31Oct contribute to this ever growing project by making observations and uploading them to iNaturalist, there's a 14-day grace period to upload and identify observations. All observations become part of our iNat project too!
What is GSB and how do I get involved https://youtu.be/L81geFW3aV4
GSB Oct newsletter https://shoutout.wix.com/so/05OEMX7Jr?languageTag=en&cid=218d455a-627a-4e3b-8af5-512b33f7de9d#/main
Contribute to these projects at the same time
Sea Slug Sunday 30Oct
In collaboration with Sea Slug Census (22-31Oct) lead by Steve Smith AKA profmollusc. Join the active citizen science community on Facebook 'Sea Slug Census' https://www.facebook.com/groups/seaslugcensus/
Moth Night 28Oct
Checkout your backyard. They are masters of camouflage and can look almost exactly like objects in nature such as leaves, bark or even dried sap! Tips on Moth Hunting https://www.greatsouthernbioblitz.org/post/tips-on-moth-hunting?utm_campaign=391c8635-40cb-4589-8e9f-2b5fe87f7b05&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail_lp&cid=218d455a-627a-4e3b-8af5-512b33f7de9d

Publicado el octubre 23, 2022 09:40 TARDE por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

25 de octubre de 2022

Fern ID walk, Beaumont Saturday 12 November

BCAL is organising a fern identification walk for members of Shoalhaven Landcare.
The fern identification walk is on a property in Beaumont guided by Dr Ken Mills, noted local botanist. Over 40 fern species have been identified on the property. The walk is graded easy/medium.
Saturday 12 November, 9 am start, for approximately 2.5 hours with time for morning tea along the way
Limited to 10 people, open to members of Shoalhaven Landcare
Contact Coordinator of Shoalhaven Landcare to register

Publicado el octubre 25, 2022 12:18 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario