Diario del proyecto Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

Archivos de diario de marzo 2023

02 de marzo de 2023

Weeds in Wildlife Microbiomes: antibiotic resistant bacteria in wildlife - free and online, link below to book

Thursday, 30 March 2023 at 6:00 pm Presented by Professor Michelle Power DPE NSW Wildlife Webinar Series 2023

The spread of antibiotic resistance in wildlife signals an increasing impact of the global issue of antimicrobial resistance. This talk will discuss the widespread occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Australia’s wildlife. Comparisons of antibiotic resistance in flying foxes and koalas, in free-range animals and those undergoing care, will also be presented. The talk will end with a discussion about the significance of antibiotic resistant bacteria in wildlife, and the health and management of species.

Professor Michelle Power, School of Natural Sciences Macquarie University, is passionate about science and making a difference to wildlife health. Michelle’s research focuses on transmission of disease agents at the wildlife : human interface, with foci on zoonoses and reverse zoonoses.

Michelle’s research career began as a parasitologist investigating parasites that cause gastrointestinal illness, however, she now studies a broad range of pathogens and has purposefully shifted from the traditional approaches of one host – one pathogen model towards studies of co-infection. More recently, Michelle’s research efforts have focussed on examining the ecology of antimicrobial resistance in wildlife where her group is bolstering knowledge of the wildlife arm of the One Health approach to combatting antimicrobial resistance. Her research group works on a wide array of hosts that have been selected due to their close connectivity with people, mainly through urban adaptation or conservation management. The main species dominating her current research are flying fox, possums, koalas, Tasmanian devils and pinnipeds, and extensive collaborations with ecologists and veterinarians make this work possible.

Michelle is also passionate about science communication and engaging the public in research, including citizen science initiatives where people have collected possum scats for pathogen surveillance via the Scoop a Poop Citizen Science initiative.

Book here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/weeds-in-wildlife-microbiomes-antibiotic-resistant-bacteria-in-wildlife-tickets-559266008687

Publicado el marzo 2, 2023 09:32 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de marzo de 2023

'South Coast Islands NSW' a new book, EOI or pre-order now

For years Helen Moody and Mike Jefferis led walks and kayak trips to, past or around 61 islands on South Coast NSW. Now they have written the first ever book on the islands. The book is more than a travel guide, it tells of First Nations connections, arrival of settlers, geology, flora, lighthouses, birdlife, lighthouses, shipwrecks and more. This book should be of interest to residents, bushwalkers, kayakers, historians and visitors.
About to be self-published and self-marketed, it's partially funded by donations and grants. All profits from sales will go to environmental projects. Your help is needed to determine size of print run. Send expressions of interest (EOI) to southcoastislandsbook@gmail.com - there is absolutely no obligation to pay in advance if you prefer to wait until the book is available at the end of May.
You can collect your order at the launch event or at an easily accessible Ulladulla pick-up point. Launch event is either Saturday 20 or 27 May, with more details to come.
Book cost:

  • $50 if paid by direct deposit into bank – Account name: Helen Moody; 112-879 123497192
    (Ensure you indicate your name on the payment and also email southcoastislandsbook@gmail.com direct or via the bank transaction so that we can record your payment)

  • $50 if paid by cash on collection
  • $51 if paid by credit or debit card on collection at launch event or local pick-up
  • $50 + $13.50 postage (postage covers 1 or 2 books)

See our Facebook page for photo of book and more details https://www.facebook.com/BudawangCoastAL/posts/pfbid02CftHau6gVdCDXWT787Kv6jC8SeAKY4thhbCqR5pQ9WDicLs33fLfFTn1sjEHtkyul?notif_id=1677925233498566&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif

Publicado el marzo 4, 2023 11:33 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de marzo de 2023

The Magical World of Fungi

The Magical World of Fungi
Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden - 16th April 2023
Presented by experts Teresa and John Van der Heul, this walk will introduce you to the magical world of fungi and slime moulds. Participants will take a guided walk through the forest when fungi at their peak time in the Botanic Garden. After the walk a lab session will discuss material seen on the walk, and illustrate photographic techniques to highlight features.

Two sessions available: Sunday 16 April, 10am - 12pm & 1.30pm - 3.30pm
• Sessions last ~2 hours, same material will covered in both sessions
• Commence at the ERBG Visitor Centre
• All ages welcome!

Places are limited, register now: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-magic-of-mycelium-and-myxos-tickets-546791125977
All enquiries to herbarium@erbg.org.au

Publicado el marzo 14, 2023 12:09 MAÑANA por annielane annielane | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de marzo de 2023

Beyond threatened species – tracking the health of Australia’s bird communities Sat 29 Apr 2:00-3:30 pm

A presentation by Dr Martine Maron, President of BirdLife Australia, at Ulladulla Civic Centre, 81B Princes Hwy, Ulladulla
Book here: https://events.humanitix.com/martine-maron It's free.

Three years after the 2019-20 bushfires, Dr Martine Maron is returning to Ulladulla to talk about latest research into tracking the health of woodland bird communities.

Woodland bird communities in Australia are increasingly under threat. Martine will demonstrate why it is important for us to measure and track the condition of entire bird communities – not just individual species. She will describe current research to identify and map all the different types of Australian bird communities and how we can measure their health and condition. With thousands of Australians contributing data through citizen science, and the rapid expansion of acoustic monitoring, we may not be long away from being able to measure and track the condition — and, let’s hope, the recovery — of bird communities right across Australia.

An eminent conservation scientist with decades of experience in research and policy, Martine is Professor of Environmental Management at The University of Queensland. Her research group works on problems at the interface of environmental policy and ecology, particularly the conservation and recovery of Australia’s threatened birds and woodland bird assemblages. She also works to improve conservation and impact mitigation policy and practice, particularly relating to deforestation and biodiversity offsetting. Martine chairs the IUCN’s Impact Mitigation and Ecological Compensation Thematic Group, is a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists and a Board member of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. She was also Deputy Director of the former Threatened Species Recovery Hub.

Publicado el marzo 18, 2023 10:45 TARDE por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de marzo de 2023

Spotlight Walk - Botanic Garden, Sat 22 April

Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden - 6pm, Saturday 22 April

Led by Field Ecologist Craig Dunne, this spotlight walk is a rare opportunity to see the Garden night life. Frogs, gliders, owls may make an anppearance. And the fluorescent ghost fungus is promising to be a highlight. Places are strictly limited, register now:


This event is part of the Garden’s From the Forest Festival with host of science, art and community events - see more at:


Publicado el marzo 21, 2023 08:56 TARDE por teacay teacay | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de marzo de 2023

Green and golden bell frog workshop Sat 1 April 9.30-12.30

Join us for a day in the field exploring frog habitat accompanied by local expert and ecologist, Garry Daly who has studied this population of Green and Golden Bell Frog for over a decade.

Learn how to spot these sun basking amphibians and the importance of the habitat that supports them.

The walk will be 2km return journey.

When: Saturday 1st April 9.30am – 12.30pm
Where: Meet at the end of Worrigee Road at the gate into Worrigee Nature Reserve (see map below). Limited carparking available, please carpool.
Bring: a hat, walking shoes, a snack for morning tea and a drink bottle.

Important: Please ensure footwear is clean. A shoe cleaning station will be provided. Please spray your footwear prior to entering the reserve to reduce the risk of disease spread.

Please rsvp to book via southeast.engagement@environment.nsw.gov.au

Publicado el marzo 27, 2023 02:25 MAÑANA por barv barv | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario