Archivos de diario de julio 2022

15 de julio de 2022

eButterfly Webinar on July 21st, 4 PM (EST)

Do you want to learn about the latest features released on eButterfly ( such as computer image recognition, a discussion forum, eBLabs, and more? Or maybe to learn how to use eButterfly at its full potential? If so, join our upcoming Webinar on Thursday, July 21st, at 4 PM (EST). Preregister here:

eButterfly Overview
A real-time, online checklist and photo storage program, eButterfly is providing a new way for the butterfly community to report, organize and access information about butterflies in Central and North American and the Caribbean. eButterfly provides rich data sources for basic information on butterfly abundance, distribution, and phenology at a variety of spatial and temporal scales across the region.

eButterfly is maximizing the utility and accessibility of the vast numbers of butterfly observations, photographs, and collections made each year by recreational and professional butterfly enthusiasts. With your help, we are amassing one of the largest and fastest growing insect data resources to inform our understanding of ecological and agricultural systems in the region.

Through time, each participant, each observation and photograph, each checklist, and each identification builds the database. eButterfly then shares this treasure trove of butterfly information with a global community of community scientists, educators, students, lepidopterists, conservationists, and land managers. In time, this information will become the foundation for a better understanding of butterfly distribution and population trends across the region.

How Does It Work?
eButterfly documents the presence or absence of species as well as abundance through checklist data. A web-interface engages participants to submit their observations through interactive questions and answers. eButterfly encourages users to participate repeatedly by providing tools to maintain their personal observations and photo records as well as providing tools to enable them to visualize data with interactive maps, graphs, and bar charts. All these features are currently available in English, French and Spanish.

An eButterfly user logs into their account and enters when, where, and how they observed butterflies. Then they are prompted to create a checklist of all butterflies seen or photographed during the outing. eButterfly provides several options for data gathering including transects, area searches, timed searches or even incidental observations. Just like in a museum with specimens, other users and experts help to verify the identity of each observation. Users can even discuss observations and checklists with each other.

Publicado el julio 15, 2022 03:33 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

27 de julio de 2022

Vermont Moth Blitz 2022 (July 23-31)

Explore Vermont's astounding moth diversity! By participating in our annual Moth Blitz -, you will help the Vermont Moth Atlas develop a better understanding of the moths that call the Green Mountain State home. Over 2,200 moth species have been documented in Vermont with new species being found all the time. Who knows, maybe you will find one! We encourage everyone, from experts to amateur enthusiasts, to find, photograph, and share their moth discoveries with the Vermont Moth Blitz during National Moth Week (July 23th-31th). Can we beat last years' tally? Check it out at The Vermont Moth Atlas is a project of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies' Vermont Atlas of Life.

Publicado el julio 27, 2022 05:17 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de julio de 2022

Join the Vermont Mission Monarch Blitz (July 29- August 7)

The International Monarch Monitoring Blitz invites community scientists from across North America to come together with the shared goal of helping to protect and conserve the beloved and emblematic Monarch butterfly. Data collected by volunteers each year support trinational efforts to better understand the Monarch butterfly’s breeding productivity, range, and timing in North America. Learn more about our Vermont efforts and join the Blitz today at

Publicado el julio 29, 2022 01:23 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
